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Quantitative Aptitude for All Bank exams_ Videos Classes
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73 Chapters
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Quantitative Aptitude for All Bank exams_ 73 Videos Classes .one year Validity.
Course Curriculum
Quantitative Aptitude for All Bank exams_ Videos Classes
1A average
1B average
1D average
2A Ratio prop
2B Ratio prop
2C Ratio Prop
3A ages
3B ages
3C ages
4A partnership
5A alligation
5B alligation
5C alligation
6A percentage
6B percentage
6C percentage
6D percentage
6E percentage
6F Percentage
6G percentage
6H percentage
7A Profit loss
7B Profit Loss
7C Profit Loss
7D Profit Loss
7E Profit loss
7F Profit Loss
7G Profit Loss
8A Simple int
8B Simple int
9A Compound int
9B Compound Int
9C compound int
10A lcm hcf
10B lcm hcf
10C lcm hcf
10D lcm hcf
11A time work
11B time work
11C time work
11D time work
12A pipes cisterns
12B pipe cisterns
12C pipe cisterns
12D pipe cistern
13 A inequalities
13 B inequalities
13 C inequalities
14 A Speed time dist
14 B speed time dist
14 C speed time dist
14 D speed time dist
14 E speed time dist
15 A Permutation combination
15 B permutation combination
15 C Permutation Combination
15 D Permutation combination
16 A Probability
16 B Probability
16 C Probability
17 A Mensuration
17 B Mensuration
17 C Mensuration
17 D Mensuration
17 E Mensuration
17 F Mensuration
18 A DI
18 B DI
18 C DI
18 D DI
18 E DI
18 F DI
18 G DI
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