PSC Research Officer _Mock Test Series

PSC Research Officer _Mock Test Series

Product information

Number of chapters
16 Chapters
Number of contents
96 Contents
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PSC Research Officer _Mock Test Series.It includes 25+ Mock tests from Statistics,Mathematics,Economics and G.K(45+ GK MCQ PDF). 📌 25+ (550+ MCQ from Statistics, Economics and Mathematics) live Mock test series with *complete test analytics.* 📌 *45+ GK MCQ PDF* having *1000+ MCQ* with answer key. 📌 *Unlimited* number of attempt. 📌 *One year Validity* 📌 *Just Rs.299/_ Only* Unlimited test attempt and One Year Validity. All rights reserved to CTune Centre for making any changes in this course. Fee once remitted will not be refunded. for more details contact :9562526104

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