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Course Curriculum
HSST PSYCHOLOGY PSC Online Coaching Description:- Live Interactive Classes ,100+Recorded Video classes,100+ online Mock test series, Supporting PDF Materials group discussion,Classes by Subject experts. Video classes (100+ CLASSES)can be downloaded in to the App and can use in offline. CTune's Learning App is available in both Android and IOS platform. Materials will be available up to the next HSST PSYCHOLOGY exam in the App..All course contents are provided through CTune's Learning App Only. fee once remitted will not be refunded. All rights are reserved to the institute to make decisions related to this coaching and edit the content of the course for the betterment of the program.
Course Curriculum
HSST Psychology-2022 Syllabus
Module-1 Attention and Perception
Cherry's study on attention
Multimode theory of attrention
Perception including psychophysics
Signal detection theory and its application_Pre test
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1. Introduction to sensation,perception and consciousness-1-www.ctune
1. Introduction to sensation,perception and consciousness-1-www.ctune
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2. Sensory thresholds and subliminal perception-www.ctune.in_Psychology net
2. Sensory thresholds and subliminal perception-www.ctune.in_Psychology net
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8.Illusions and types of illusions
Fechner's Law (2022-05-30)
Module-2_Cognition and Memory
The Connectionist Model/ The Parallel Distributed Approach(PDP)
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1.Introduction to cognitive process--thinking.ts
2.mental images in thinking.ts
3. concepts and its role in thinking.ts
5. language and thought.ts
6. problem solving -1 -types and strategies.ts
7. decision making and its model.ts
The Connectionist Model (PDP_The Parallel Distributed Processing Approach)
The Connectionist Model (PDP_The Parallel Distributed Processing Approach)
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Declarative,Procedural,Semantic, Episodic, Explicit, Implicit
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Sensory,short term and long term memory
Forgetting theories part-1
Theories of Intelligence _Part-1
Theories of Intelligence-Part-2 (Thurston,Catel, Sternburg)
Theories of Intelligence-Part-2 (Thurston,Catel, Sternburg)
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Theories of Intelligence-Part-3
Cognitive approaches in learning
Latent learning and observational learning
Module _ 5 Motivation and Emotion
Concepts of Motivation, Types of Motives_Class-1
Theories Of Motivation-Part-1_Class-2
Theories Of Motivation-Part-2_Class-3
Theories Of Motivation-Part-3_Class-4
Theories Of Motivation-Part-4_Class-5
Module_6_Psychometry & Research Methodology
Additional Reference classes for Basic Statistic
Statistics in Psychology-part-1
Statistics in psychology-Part-2
Statistics in Psychology-3
Statistics in Psychology-part-4
Social Science Research Methods
Types of Data -Primary and Secondary
Reserach - Class notes Part -1
Research Aptitude Part - 3
Research Aptitude Part - 4
Research Aptitude Class - V
Difference between qualitative and quantitative approach
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Validity _Concept and its types -Part-1
Classification of Psychological tests
notes personality assessment
notes eysenck and hippocrates
Eysenck's model of personality (2022-06-01)
Erik Erikson life span approach
trait and type approaches
notes--trait and type approaches
Henry Murray's theory of Personology
Personality -Introduction
Sent Narrow Band Theories of Personality
Introduction to personality assessment
Need hierarchy theory - abraham maslow
Psychoanalytic social theory- Karen
Humanistic psychoanalysis- Erich fromm
Ego psychology -Anna Freud, Hartmann
Object theories- Melanie Klein, Margaret Mahler
Person Centered Theory- Carl Rogers
Need hierarchy theory - Abraham Maslow
Existential Psychology - Rollo May
Behavior Analysis BF Skinner
Social learning theory Julian Rotter
Personal construct theory ;George Kelley
Social cognitive theory Albert Bandura
Module-8_Social Psychology
Prosocial behavior and its theories
Bystander intervention and diffusion of responsibility
Bystander intervention and diffusion of responsibility
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Evolutionary factors in prosocial behavior
Motivational factors in helping
Situational Influence, Bystander Effect
Location and helping_ Situational influence (2022-05-28 )
Location and helping_ Situational influence (2022-05-28 )
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Perceived characteristics of person in need (2022-05-28 )
Perceived characteristics of person in need (2022-05-28 )
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Interpersonal Influence_ Gender and helping (2022-05-28)
Interpersonal Influence_ Gender and helping (2022-05-28)
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Motivational factors in helping
Introduction to Social Psychology
Stereotype, prejudice and discrimination
Conformity, Compliance and obedience
What is Social Psychology
conformity and its experiments cdpo
Attitudes and its function
Stereotype, prejudice and discrimination
Prosocial behavior and its theories
Bystander intervention and diffusion of responsibility
Interpersonal influence_gender and helping
Personality disorders and its types
Specific Personality Disorders
personality disorders as per ICD 11
Prominent personality traits or patterns
Mood/ Affective Disorders
Single depressive disorder
Recurrent depressive disorder
Anxiety disorders_ part-1
Anxiety disorders_ part 2
disorders of childhood and adolescence
diagnosis and Classification
notes diagnosis and classification
normality and abnormality
notes- normality and abnormality
Pervasive Developmental Disorder
emotional and behavioral disorder with onset in ch
Emotional diorders with onset specific to childhood
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Other behavioural and emotional disorders with onset in childhood and adolescence
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overview of behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occuring in childhood
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Disorders of social functioning with onset specific to childhood and adolescence
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Module-10 _Applied Psychology
Psychology in Organizational Setting
Psychology of Health and wellbeing
Emerging trends - Positive Psychology
Emerging trends - Technology human interface
Psychology in School Settings
counselling with adolescents and marital counselling
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Psychology in Clinical Settings
Applied psychology in clinical setting part -1
Applied psychology in clinical setting part -2.
Reserach - Class notes Part -1
Research Aptitude Part - 3
Research Aptitude Part - 4
CTune_Teaching Aptitude (2022-05-11 08_05 GMT-7)
Teaching Aptitude Class II (2022-05-19 08_04 GMT-7)
Teaching Aptitude III (2022-05-25 08_06 GMT-7)
PART-III_ Indian Constitution & Social Welfare Leg
Social Welfare Schemes & Measures
Social Welfare Schemes & Measures -1
Housing Related Schemes -2
Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children-1
Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children-1
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Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children-2
Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children-2
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Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children-3
Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children-3
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Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children-4
Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children-4
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Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children-4
Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children-4
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Indian Constitution-2 (2022-05-01 07_31 GMT-7)
Indian Constitution _in brief _Part - 1
Indian Constitution _in brief_Part - 2
PART-IV_ Renaissance in Kerala & Current Affairs
Socio Religious Reform Movements
Struggles and Social Revolts
Struggles and Social Revolts
Thiruvithamkur raja vamsham
RENAISSANCE Leader and Revolutions
Cherry's Experiment Pre_Test
Psychophysics and thresholds
Psychophysical Laws Pre_Test
Signal detection theory and its application_Pre test
Signal detection theory and its application_Pre test
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Colour perception and its theories
Module 1_ Attention, Theories of Attention
Theory of cognitive organization
NCERT - Class-XII Psychology text book
NCERT_ Class -XI - Psychology Text book
Personality Theories and Assessment
Advanced Social Psychology
Psychotherapeutic Methods
Assessment in Counselling and Guidance
Interventions in Counselling
Organizational Behaviour (OBY)
Human Resource Development (HRD)
Organizational Development (OD)
Psychology Themes And Variations - Wayne Weiten
The principles of Psychology by William James_Volume -I_part 1
The principles of Psychology by William James_Volume -I_part 2
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 01 - History Of Psychology
Carl Jung - The Psychological Types
Introduction to Social Psychology
Theories Of Personality - Duane Schultz
Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy - Michel Hersen
Research Methodology by C.R Kothari
Quantitative Psychological Research - David Clark
Emailing James E Mazur-Learning & Behavior-Routledge (2016)
Theories To Personality - Robert Ewen (1)
Theories Of Personality - Duane Schultz
The Cambridge Dictionary Of Psychology - David Matsumoto